Salvation of the Soul

098: Approaching Your Priest (Hebrews Series #09: Heb. 4:14-16)

God commands His children to come boldly to His throne where they can obtain mercy and grace. We approach Him through our High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father. Pastor Hollandsworth describes how New Testament era believers can fulfill their calling as holy priests by finding cleansing and enablement from their High Priest in the heavens.

066: Metamorphosis Culminating in Glory (Romans Series #26: Rom. 12:1-2)

Paul has transitioned to the practical application section of his epistle, and he challenges believers to offer themselves as a living sacrifice to God. Pastor Hollandsworth explains how we can stay on the altar, by not being conformed to the spirit of the age and experiencing metamorphosis (inner spiritual transformation) through mind renewal. Those believers who yield themselves to this inward change now will be outwardly revealed in full glory when they meet Jesus at the Judgment Seat.

008: Judged for Sinning?

At salvation our sins are forgiven and covered by the blood of Jesus. Does that mean God never judges believers who persist in sinfulness going forward? Surprisingly, many Christians assume that is the case. Pastor Hollandsworth gives eight ways that God judges our continued sinfulness now, and demonstrates that He will certainly do so at the Judgment Seat.