
100: Moving On to Maturity (Hebrews Series #11: Heb. 5:11-6:3)

When Christians are too lazy to learn God’s Word and grow deeper spiritually, they become spiritual babies, satisfied with milk rather than meat. Pastor Hollandsworth talks about the vital importance of learning about kingdom inheritance, so we can be prepared to give a good account to Jesus at the Judgment Seat.

065: All Israel Will Be Saved and So Will All Mankind (Romans Series #25: Rom. 11:16-36)

To illustrate that Israel’s “time-out” is merely temporary, not permanent, Paul uses the metaphor of wild olive branches (believing Gentiles) being grafted into a cultivated olive tree (Israel), whose branches have been broken off due to disobedience (in rejecting Messiah and His offer of kingdom inheritance). But Israel will repent and be re-grafted back into her national tree. Pastor Hollandsworth points out that “all Israel will be saved,” leading to all mankind being saved, for God’s objective is to commit all mankind to disobedience so He might have mercy on all.

026: A Deep Subject

Why does Jesus travel to culturally-forbidden Samaria to meet a woman at a well? Why does He offer her “a fountain of water, springing up to everlasting life,” and what does that mean? What do the disciples learn from the encounter? Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions, discloses the new revelation that Jesus shares with the woman, and clarifies the meaning of worshiping God in spirit and truth.

022: Keeping the Good Wine for Last

Why would Jesus turn water to wine, and what kind of wine did He make? Besides affirming His deity, what message did this unusual phenomenon send to Israel? Pastor Hollandsworth elaborates on the deeper meaning of this sign miracle with respect to Israel’s future restoration and kingdom inheritance, making connections to Noah, Melchizedek, the OT prophets, and the Last Supper.

006: Keeping Your Feet Clean

Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples? Most say it was to illustrate humility and service. While that is partially correct, it stops far short of the full answer. Pastor Hollandsworth explains Christ’s indispensable requirement of keeping our “feet” clean as believers, so we can have a “part” with Him in future reward and rulership.