
080: What Is Truth? (Greatness of God Series #07: His Truth)

Isaiah said of Judah that truth had fallen in the streets. Are conditions any different today? Pastor Hollandsworth gives the philosophical history of the death of truth in modern times, claiming that Christians are largely to blame. Nevertheless, in spite of what is happening in the culture, God is truth, and His Word is truth.

057: Killing the King

The crowds cheered Jesus on Palm Sunday as Messiah as He entered Jerusalem, shouting out, “Hosanna, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” Yet only days later the Jewish leadership chanted, “Crucify Him!” Pastor Hollandsworth focuses on the four stages of Christ’s suffering: 1) Scourging, 2) Mocking, 3) Via Dolorosa, and 4) Actual Crucifixion. A highly appropriate message to hear on Good Friday.