Negative Reward

081: No Respecter of Persons (Greatness of God Series #08: His Justice)

Our great God is always just, bringing judgment upon sinners, including sinning believers. Pastor Hollandsworth demonstrates that God’s anger and wrath are balanced by His love and goodness and shows how that wonderful truth should motivate us to live uprightly, for we will soon give an account to Him for our lives.

009: Looking for a City

What is New Jerusalem that comes down from Heaven to Earth in the Millennium? What role does it play in the kingdom – and what do the terms “kingdom of heaven” and “kingdom of God” mean? Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions from the Scriptures and gives five evidences that New Jerusalem is the city of reward for faithful saints.

007: Your Coming Verdict

One day you will receive a verdict from the Judge of the Universe. Will it be positive or negative? How you are living now is determining your future verdict. Pastor Hollandsworth exposes the error of the traditional view that expects crowns to be given to all believers. He further demonstrates from the Scriptures the prospect of punishment for those who are unfaithful and explains the nature of the punishment.