
033: Great in the Kingdom

Jesus said that to enter the kingdom one must have righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees. Pastor Hollandsworth defines what it means to enter the kingdom, what characterizes the righteousness of the Pharisees, what is greater than pharisaical righteousness, and how we can fulfill the righteous of the law.

031: The Heart of the Matter

Is the Sermon on the Mount evangelistic, or related to matters of sanctification? Is it applicable to church-age believers, or was it merely for the first century Jews? Pastor Hollandsworth discusses the errors of interpretation in this great teaching of Jesus and explains the purpose of the Sermon. He also describes the Beatitudes and the promises of reward.

027: Quandary of Faith

The nobleman’s son will surely die unless Jesus goes to heal him. But Jesus refuses to go, rebuking the man (and all Israel) for requiring signs before they will believe. Jesus causes a quandary of faith by assuring the man his son has been healed. Will he accept this by faith? Pastor Hollandsworth delineates why God often allows quandaries of faith in our lives, and he points out why Jesus heals this boy “after two days … on the third day.”

017: Shucking the Corn

John the Baptist preached a “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” Pastor Hollandsworth dissects this message and explains why it is not to be equated with the gospel of grace by faith alone for salvation (i.e., regeneration). He also explains the terms “kingdom of heaven” and the “baptism in fire” (which is not hell) that will befall those who reject this message.

009: Looking for a City

What is New Jerusalem that comes down from Heaven to Earth in the Millennium? What role does it play in the kingdom – and what do the terms “kingdom of heaven” and “kingdom of God” mean? Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions from the Scriptures and gives five evidences that New Jerusalem is the city of reward for faithful saints.