087: Jesus Exalted as Firstborn Son (Hebrews Series #01: Heb. 1:1-5)
Jesus has been appointed heir of all things. What does that mean? And why does the Bible say that Jesus was “begotten?” Pastor Hollandsworth answers these interesting questions and gives the interpretive key to unlocking Hebrews, sharing two errors that must be avoided.
070: Every Knee Shall Bow (Romans Series #30: Rom. 14)
The Jewish believers in the church at Rome were finding it difficult to let go of their Jewish identifiers – dietary restrictions and observance of sabbaths and feast days. Paul refers to them as “weaker” brethren. The Gentile believers, on the other hand, were not bound in this manner, but were free in Christ, so Paul refers to them as “stronger” brethren. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that they were to accommodate one another, in light of the coming Judgment Seat and the ultimate salvation of all mankind.
062: The Word of Faith Is Near You (Romans Series #23: Rom. 10)
The Romans Road method of witnessing typically culminates in Rom. 10:9, 13, with a plea to be saved by confessing the Lord Jesus and calling upon the name of the Lord. However, this is not how “salvation” is used in the book of Romans. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that salvation for national Israel is deliverance from God’s wrath and consequent destruction. For individual children of God – both Jews and Gentiles – it is deliverance from sinning and self-destruction. He also points out the meaning of “the word of faith” and in what sense it is “near you.”
053: How to Have Victory Over Sinning (Romans Series #16: Rom. 8:1-11)
This text is undoubtedly the pinnacle of the book of Romans, in which Paul describes how to have victory over sinning – by walking in the Spirit rather than in the flesh. Pastor Hollandsworth emphasizes these marvelous truths and warns of the alternative prospect of Christians living in carnality and spiritual deadness – and how to avoid it!