Historic Fundamentalism

070: Every Knee Shall Bow (Romans Series #30: Rom. 14)

The Jewish believers in the church at Rome were finding it difficult to let go of their Jewish identifiers – dietary restrictions and observance of sabbaths and feast days. Paul refers to them as “weaker” brethren. The Gentile believers, on the other hand, were not bound in this manner, but were free in Christ, so Paul refers to them as “stronger” brethren. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that they were to accommodate one another, in light of the coming Judgment Seat and the ultimate salvation of all mankind.

052: “Cancel Culture” Within Christianity

After 22 years of broadcasting sermons on SermonAudio.com, Pastor Hollandsworth’s account was abruptly terminated, because they objected to his views on salvation. Hear their reasons, as Pastor Hollandsworth shares how the sermons will be hosted going forward. Also, in this brief episode, he laments over the question, “Why do Christians ‘cancel’ other Christians?”