
089: How Shall We Escape? (Hebrews Series #03: Heb. 2:1-10)

The first of five warnings is given, urging believers not to neglect “so great a salvation,” lest they experience negative reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Pastor Hollandsworth distinguishes between past, present, and future salvation, and emphasizes the critical importance of preparing for the “great salvation” yet to come.

051: Repentance and the Book of Life

Repentance is not required for salvation (regeneration). Why, then, does God command all men everywhere to repent? Whose names will be found in the Book of Life? Pastor Hollandsworth describes what happens at the Great White Throne Judgment for those who believe God and live righteously but do not believe on Jesus for eternal life by faith alone.

040: Taking the Road Less Traveled

Does the narrow way lead to Heaven and the broad way lead to Hell? Most seem to think so. Pastor Hollandsworth shows that this cannot be, given the context of the Sermon on the Mount.

024: “Born Again” Is Not a Regeneration Term

“You must be born again.” Christ’s admonition to Nicodemus in John 3 is traditionally assumed to be a salvation text. But was Jesus telling this ruler of Israel how to be regenerated or how to prepare for kingdom inheritance? Pastor Hollandsworth defines the terms “born again” and “eternal life” and describes what Nicodemus would have been thinking as a first century Israelite.

006: Keeping Your Feet Clean

Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples? Most say it was to illustrate humility and service. While that is partially correct, it stops far short of the full answer. Pastor Hollandsworth explains Christ’s indispensable requirement of keeping our “feet” clean as believers, so we can have a “part” with Him in future reward and rulership.