Additional Resources

On occasion, I will share resources that I feel would be beneficial including books, websites, or pdf files.

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God

… rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Tim. 2:15

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Commentaries of Dr. Thomas Constable

Author: Dr. Thomas Constable

Dr. Thomas Constable was a long-time professor and department chair at Dallas Theological Seminary. He wrote commentaries on all 66 books of the Bible. He is solidly dispensational and generally takes a kingdom approach to the Scriptures.

His commentaries are available for free in .pdf format at this link.

His commentaries are available for free in web-based format at this link.

Living the Resurrected Life

Author: James Hollandsworth

Some additional materials that I wrote in 2015 that expands on the benefits of the Resurrected Life and how we can put this truth into action in our everyday lives. Includes scriptural proof texts.

Living the Resurrected Life Part 1

Living the Resurrected Life Part 2

Living the Resurrected Life Part 3

Living the Resurrected Life

Author: James Hollandsworth

Some additional materials that I wrote in 2015 that expands on the benefits of the Resurrected Life and how we can put this truth into action in our everyday lives. Includes scriptural proof texts.

Living the Resurrected Life Part 1

Living the Resurrected Life Part 2

Living the Resurrected Life Part 3

Commentaries of Dr. Thomas Constable

Author: Dr. Thomas Constable

Dr. Thomas Constable was a long-time professor and department chair at Dallas Theological Seminary. He wrote commentaries on all 66 books of the Bible. He is solidly dispensational and generally takes a kingdom approach to the Scriptures.

His commentaries are available for free in .pdf format at this link.

His commentaries are available for free in web-based format at this link.