Universal Reconciliation
051: Repentance and the Book of Life
Repentance is not required for salvation (regeneration). Why, then, does God command all men everywhere to repent? Whose names will be found in the Book of Life? Pastor Hollandsworth describes what happens at the Great White Throne Judgment for those who believe God and live righteously but do not believe on Jesus for eternal life by faith alone.
044: The Electrifying Third Rail
Universal Reconciliation is the third rail that electrifies the doctrine of salvation. Pastor Hollandsworth presents twenty Scripture verses in support of this view and emphasizes that the will of God to save all men will indeed be fulfilled by the end of the ages.
042: A Pilgrimage to Unlikely Places
The apostle Paul said three things abide: Faith, Hope, and Love. Pastor Hollandsworth shares his personal testimony of being led from Faith-Living and Holiness, to Hope-Living and Kingdom Preparedness, and finally Love-Living and Universal Reconciliation. This episode is the segue to several future episodes focusing on the salvation of all mankind. Â