
083: Amazing Love! (Greatness of God Series #10: His Love)

Whom does God love? How does He show His love? What promises does God make to those who love Him? Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions biblically, and also talks about the four dimensions of God’s love – especially the fourth dimension, which is intimately pervasive and overpowering.

068: Rules for Revolutionizing Home and Church (Romans Series #28: Rom. 12:9-21)

What would happen if Christian homes and churches were suddenly filled with love, joy, and peace? Pastor Hollandsworth shares fourteen God-given rules from Rom. 12 that, if obeyed by God’s grace, would revolutionize homes and churches.

013: Preparing to Give a Good Account

Once believers understand the importance of giving a good account at the Judgment Seat, they must learn HOW to prepare to meet Jesus. Pastor Hollandsworth explains the process of spiritual growth found in Romans 5 and emphasizes the agents of growth and how to apply them so believers can mature and get prepared for their coming appointment.

006: Keeping Your Feet Clean

Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples? Most say it was to illustrate humility and service. While that is partially correct, it stops far short of the full answer. Pastor Hollandsworth explains Christ’s indispensable requirement of keeping our “feet” clean as believers, so we can have a “part” with Him in future reward and rulership.