054: The Revealing of God’s Glorified Sons (Romans Series #17: Rom. 8:12-19)
All creation awaits the revealing of God’s glorified sons. Who are these sons? Why are they glorified? What is their purpose? Pastor Hollandsworth delves into this oft-misunderstood passage, explaining that biblical adoption is not automatic at the point of salvation, but conditional at the Judgment Seat for those believers who live according to the Spirit and suffer with Jesus.
016: Otherworldly Ambitions
The apostle Paul, undoubtedly one of the greatest Christians of the church age, nevertheless, saw a personal need to “press toward the goal for the prize” (reward), desiring to “attain to the out-resurrection.” Pastor Hollandsworth uncovers the meaning of this often-ignored term and reveals the apostle’s driving passion to “gain Christ and be found in Him,” counting everything else as loss. This same passion should consume every child of God.
006: Keeping Your Feet Clean
Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples? Most say it was to illustrate humility and service. While that is partially correct, it stops far short of the full answer. Pastor Hollandsworth explains Christ’s indispensable requirement of keeping our “feet” clean as believers, so we can have a “part” with Him in future reward and rulership.