091: Hold Fast Your Hope (Hebrews Series #05: Heb. 3:1-6)
Many Christians have no interest in Christ’s coming kingdom. They rarely think or talk about it, for it is not their focus, and they certainly are not preparing to give an account to Jesus for their life. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that only those believers who hold onto a confident expectation of reward, living accordingly, will be rewarded by Jesus and included in His “house.”
062: The Word of Faith Is Near You (Romans Series #23: Rom. 10)
The Romans Road method of witnessing typically culminates in Rom. 10:9, 13, with a plea to be saved by confessing the Lord Jesus and calling upon the name of the Lord. However, this is not how “salvation” is used in the book of Romans. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that salvation for national Israel is deliverance from God’s wrath and consequent destruction. For individual children of God – both Jews and Gentiles – it is deliverance from sinning and self-destruction. He also points out the meaning of “the word of faith” and in what sense it is “near you.”
056: Promises for Firstborn Sons (Romans Series #19: Rom. 8:26-39)
The end of Rom. 8 is often understood as unconditional promises for believers, following a description of “the process of salvation” in vs. 29-30, from God’s perspective. However, Pastor Hollandsworth points out that vs. 29-30 are a description of sanctification unto reward from God’s perspective. Thus, the promises in the broader text are conditional promises, for those who are on the pathway of becoming firstborn sons to glory.
037: Laying Up Heavenly Treasures
No one can serve two masters. Jesus wants our undivided loyalty. Pastor Hollandsworth equates the laying up of heavenly treasures with earning age-lasting rewards, the means by which we glorify Jesus, making Him our number one priority in life.
016: Otherworldly Ambitions
The apostle Paul, undoubtedly one of the greatest Christians of the church age, nevertheless, saw a personal need to “press toward the goal for the prize” (reward), desiring to “attain to the out-resurrection.” Pastor Hollandsworth uncovers the meaning of this often-ignored term and reveals the apostle’s driving passion to “gain Christ and be found in Him,” counting everything else as loss. This same passion should consume every child of God.