
082: Crowned With Mercy (Greatness of God Series #09: His Mercy)

Apart from God’s mercy, mankind would be doomed. Mercy stays His hand of judgment, giving those who are sinning opportunities to repent. Pastor Hollandsworth discusses the three recipients of God’s mercy and the special, millennial reward that He promises those who fear Him.

051: Repentance and the Book of Life

Repentance is not required for salvation (regeneration). Why, then, does God command all men everywhere to repent? Whose names will be found in the Book of Life? Pastor Hollandsworth describes what happens at the Great White Throne Judgment for those who believe God and live righteously but do not believe on Jesus for eternal life by faith alone.

049: Where Are Lazarus and Dives? (Part 2)

Why is the rich man rich? Why is the poor man poor? When taken literally, the story of the rich man and Lazarus does not sufficiently answer why the two men are sent to Heaven and Hell. Nothing is said about their behavior or relationship with God. Pastor Hollandsworth applies a parabolic meaning to the story and explains Christ’s use of symbolism in rebuking the Pharisees.

048: Where Are Lazarus and Dives? (Part 1)

Most evangelical Christians believe the story of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 is an actual, historical account, illustrating what happens after death – some go to Heaven and others go to Hell. Pastor Hollandsworth demonstrates from the context that the story is actually a parable, designed to warn the Pharisees that their greedy, covetous lifestyle will result in disinheritance from the kingdom.

044: The Electrifying Third Rail

Universal Reconciliation is the third rail that electrifies the doctrine of salvation. Pastor Hollandsworth presents twenty Scripture verses in support of this view and emphasizes that the will of God to save all men will indeed be fulfilled by the end of the ages.