
084: The Law of Christ (Greatness of God Series #10a: Our Responsibility to Love)

Church-age believers are not subject to the Mosaic law or any other self-imposed or church-imposed legal system. As children of God, we are subject to the law of Christ. Pastor Hollandsworth describes this law and explains why it is truly liberating, avoiding the extremes of license and legalism.

083: Amazing Love! (Greatness of God Series #10: His Love)

Whom does God love? How does He show His love? What promises does God make to those who love Him? Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions biblically, and also talks about the four dimensions of God’s love – especially the fourth dimension, which is intimately pervasive and overpowering.

081: No Respecter of Persons (Greatness of God Series #08: His Justice)

Our great God is always just, bringing judgment upon sinners, including sinning believers. Pastor Hollandsworth demonstrates that God’s anger and wrath are balanced by His love and goodness and shows how that wonderful truth should motivate us to live uprightly, for we will soon give an account to Him for our lives.

069: Obeying Government and Loving Mankind (Romans Series #29: Rom. 13)

Christians are biblically obligated to obey the dictates of governing authorities, unless those dictates cause us to violate God’s laws. In those situations, we must obey God rather than men. Pastor Hollandsworth points out, however, that many American Christians misapply Rom. 13, because our form of government opens the door to challenge government. Paul calls for believers to truly obey all levels of government and love everyone.

068: Rules for Revolutionizing Home and Church (Romans Series #28: Rom. 12:9-21)

What would happen if Christian homes and churches were suddenly filled with love, joy, and peace? Pastor Hollandsworth shares fourteen God-given rules from Rom. 12 that, if obeyed by God’s grace, would revolutionize homes and churches.