
064: Israel’s 2,000-Year Time-Out (Romans Series #24: Rom. 11:1-15)

Because Israel rejected Christ’s offer of kingdom inheritance and put Messiah to death, the nation has been set aside for a period of 2,000 years. In the present age the Holy Spirit is saving Gentiles and calling out sons to glory – faithful saints who will be chosen to rule with Christ in His Messianic kingdom. Pastor Hollandsworth emphasizes how Israel’s failure means “riches for the Gentiles” and “the reconciling of the world,” but her restoration will signal “life from the dead” for the entire world. These are glorious truths!

054: The Revealing of God’s Glorified Sons (Romans Series #17: Rom. 8:12-19)

All creation awaits the revealing of God’s glorified sons. Who are these sons? Why are they glorified? What is their purpose? Pastor Hollandsworth delves into this oft-misunderstood passage, explaining that biblical adoption is not automatic at the point of salvation, but conditional at the Judgment Seat for those believers who live according to the Spirit and suffer with Jesus.

053: How to Have Victory Over Sinning (Romans Series #16: Rom. 8:1-11)

This text is undoubtedly the pinnacle of the book of Romans, in which Paul describes how to have victory over sinning – by walking in the Spirit rather than in the flesh. Pastor Hollandsworth emphasizes these marvelous truths and warns of the alternative prospect of Christians living in carnality and spiritual deadness – and how to avoid it!

040: Taking the Road Less Traveled

Does the narrow way lead to Heaven and the broad way lead to Hell? Most seem to think so. Pastor Hollandsworth shows that this cannot be, given the context of the Sermon on the Mount.