Judgment Seat
041: Depart From Me!
Are we to inspect the “fruit” of professing believers to determine if they are truly saved? Pastor Hollandsworth discusses this frequently misunderstood concept, reveals the identity of wolves in sheep’s clothing, and describes who will hear the awful verdict, “Depart from Me!”
034: What Did Jesus Say About Hell?
Many claim that Jesus spoke more about Hell than Heaven. Is that correct? Pastor Hollandsworth examines the two Greek words typically translated Hell in English Bible versions: Hades and Gehenna, explaining the correct meanings of those words. He also discusses why Jesus encouraged “radical amputation” in Matt. 5:21-30.
014: Not Hurt of the Second Death
One of the promises for overcomers is that they will not be hurt of the second death. What does that mean? Pastor Hollandsworth – in the first of a two-part episode – describes the rewards for overcomers in Rev. 2-3, pointing out from the Scriptures that NOT all saints are overcomers. He offers a possible explanation as to how unfaithful believers could be hurt of the second death at the Bema.
007: Your Coming Verdict
One day you will receive a verdict from the Judge of the Universe. Will it be positive or negative? How you are living now is determining your future verdict. Pastor Hollandsworth exposes the error of the traditional view that expects crowns to be given to all believers. He further demonstrates from the Scriptures the prospect of punishment for those who are unfaithful and explains the nature of the punishment.
006: Keeping Your Feet Clean
Why did Jesus wash the feet of His disciples? Most say it was to illustrate humility and service. While that is partially correct, it stops far short of the full answer. Pastor Hollandsworth explains Christ’s indispensable requirement of keeping our “feet” clean as believers, so we can have a “part” with Him in future reward and rulership.