Judgment Seat

095: Don’t Apostatize! (Hebrews Series #06: Heb. 3:7-19)

OT Israel was a redeemed nation that chose not to believe God and enter the promised land. The writer to the Hebrews uses this OT type to warn NT believers not to apostatize. Pastor Hollandsworth talks about the dreadful prospect of becoming an “unbelieving believer” and thereby disinherited at the Judgment Seat. Instead, we must become partakers of Christ through perseverance.

090: Leading Many Sons to Glory (Hebrews Series #04: Heb. 2:9-18)

One day Jesus will ascend to the throne as King over Earth. Just as the first Adam needed a bride and completer for ruling, so the second Adam is seeking a bride — otherwise known as the sons to glory — to complete Himself. They are the mature, firstborn inheritors, who will be glorified to reign with Jesus as co-regents. Only those believers who are enduring suffering in a spirit of Christlikeness will be chosen.

089: How Shall We Escape? (Hebrews Series #03: Heb. 2:1-10)

The first of five warnings is given, urging believers not to neglect “so great a salvation,” lest they experience negative reward at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Pastor Hollandsworth distinguishes between past, present, and future salvation, and emphasizes the critical importance of preparing for the “great salvation” yet to come.

081: No Respecter of Persons (Greatness of God Series #08: His Justice)

Our great God is always just, bringing judgment upon sinners, including sinning believers. Pastor Hollandsworth demonstrates that God’s anger and wrath are balanced by His love and goodness and shows how that wonderful truth should motivate us to live uprightly, for we will soon give an account to Him for our lives.

071: Glorifying God With One Mind and Voice (Romans Series #31: Rom. 15)

When Jewish and Gentile believers accept each other in Christ, they glorify the Lord in this present age, which is a beautiful picture of the unity of Jews and Gentiles under the Messianic reign of Jesus in the next age, when all will glorify the Lord. Pastor Hollandsworth makes application to twenty-first century believers and churches and revels in this glorious theme.