
062: The Word of Faith Is Near You (Romans Series #23: Rom. 10)

The Romans Road method of witnessing typically culminates in Rom. 10:9, 13, with a plea to be saved by confessing the Lord Jesus and calling upon the name of the Lord. However, this is not how “salvation” is used in the book of Romans. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that salvation for national Israel is deliverance from God’s wrath and consequent destruction. For individual children of God – both Jews and Gentiles – it is deliverance from sinning and self-destruction. He also points out the meaning of “the word of faith” and in what sense it is “near you.”

061: Vessels of Mercy Prepared for Glory (Romans Series #22: Rom. 9:14-33)

Pharaoh, who hardened his heart toward God and Israel, was a vessel of wrath prepared for destruction (ruin). In contrast, Moses and Israel were vessels of mercy. But now the tables are turned. Pastor Hollandsworth talks about how Israel is presently a vessel of wrath prepared for destruction, due to her unbelief, as God is showing mercy to the Gentiles, who were “prepared beforehand for glory.” However, national Israel will one day repent and will be appointed to rule over the nations. These truths should prompt us to confess Christ.

060: God’s Calling of Israel (Romans Series #21: Rom. 9:4-13)

What sets Israel apart from other nations? Who are Israelites? How did God call Israel? What is Israel’s calling? What keeps Israel from fulfilling its calling? Pastor Hollandsworth answers each of these questions from the text and makes application to the Christian life.

059: Yearning for Israel’s Salvation (Romans Series #20: Rom. 9:1-3)

Martin Luther was heavily antisemitic, and his beliefs about Israel led to replacement theology. In contrast, Paul wishes himself to be accursed so that Israel will be saved and fulfill the prophecies. What is this “salvation,” and what does it mean to be “accursed?” Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions, demonstrating that Israel’s salvation is critical to the salvation of all humanity.

028: Near-Death Experience

In the synagogue at Nazareth, Jesus read from the Isaiah scroll, applying the text to Himself, by concluding with the statement, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Pastor Hollandsworth discusses the glorious nature of Christ’s ministry, as described in Luke 4:18-19, and explains why the people marveled at Him in the synagogue, yet moments later were eager to throw him off the rocky cliff at the edge of town.