
060: God’s Calling of Israel (Romans Series #21: Rom. 9:4-13)

What sets Israel apart from other nations? Who are Israelites? How did God call Israel? What is Israel’s calling? What keeps Israel from fulfilling its calling? Pastor Hollandsworth answers each of these questions from the text and makes application to the Christian life.

059: Yearning for Israel’s Salvation (Romans Series #20: Rom. 9:1-3)

Martin Luther was heavily antisemitic, and his beliefs about Israel led to replacement theology. In contrast, Paul wishes himself to be accursed so that Israel will be saved and fulfill the prophecies. What is this “salvation,” and what does it mean to be “accursed?” Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions, demonstrating that Israel’s salvation is critical to the salvation of all humanity.

028: Near-Death Experience

In the synagogue at Nazareth, Jesus read from the Isaiah scroll, applying the text to Himself, by concluding with the statement, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Pastor Hollandsworth discusses the glorious nature of Christ’s ministry, as described in Luke 4:18-19, and explains why the people marveled at Him in the synagogue, yet moments later were eager to throw him off the rocky cliff at the edge of town.

024: “Born Again” Is Not a Regeneration Term

“You must be born again.” Christ’s admonition to Nicodemus in John 3 is traditionally assumed to be a salvation text. But was Jesus telling this ruler of Israel how to be regenerated or how to prepare for kingdom inheritance? Pastor Hollandsworth defines the terms “born again” and “eternal life” and describes what Nicodemus would have been thinking as a first century Israelite.

022: Keeping the Good Wine for Last

Why would Jesus turn water to wine, and what kind of wine did He make? Besides affirming His deity, what message did this unusual phenomenon send to Israel? Pastor Hollandsworth elaborates on the deeper meaning of this sign miracle with respect to Israel’s future restoration and kingdom inheritance, making connections to Noah, Melchizedek, the OT prophets, and the Last Supper.