
087: Jesus Exalted as Firstborn Son (Hebrews Series #01: Heb. 1:1-5)

Jesus has been appointed heir of all things. What does that mean? And why does the Bible say that Jesus was “begotten?” Pastor Hollandsworth answers these interesting questions and gives the interpretive key to unlocking Hebrews, sharing two errors that must be avoided.

038: Don’t Be a Worrywart!

Jesus admonishes disciples not to worry, for worry is unbelief and never changes anything. Pastor Hollandsworth gives a biblical definition of worry, describes its negative physical effects on the body, and explains the importance of seeking first God’s kingdom and righteousness as the biblical alternative.

035: Righteous Inside and Outside

When teaching His disciples, Jesus emphasized the importance of internally obeying the spirit of the law rather than merely externally obeying the letter of the law. Pastor Hollandsworth explains the six examples given by Jesus of the righteousness that is necessary for inheriting the kingdom of the heavens.

033: Great in the Kingdom

Jesus said that to enter the kingdom one must have righteousness that exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees. Pastor Hollandsworth defines what it means to enter the kingdom, what characterizes the righteousness of the Pharisees, what is greater than pharisaical righteousness, and how we can fulfill the righteous of the law.