091: Hold Fast Your Hope (Hebrews Series #05: Heb. 3:1-6)
Many Christians have no interest in Christ’s coming kingdom. They rarely think or talk about it, for it is not their focus, and they certainly are not preparing to give an account to Jesus for their life. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that only those believers who hold onto a confident expectation of reward, living accordingly, will be rewarded by Jesus and included in His “house.”
079: My Eyes Have Seen the King (Greatness of God Series #06: His Holiness)
Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up on His throne. The holiness of God gazed into his innermost core and caused him to fall apart. Then Isaiah admitted his sinfulness, and God cleansed him. Pastor Hollandsworth points out the urgency of seeing God’s holiness if we are to be used by Him to the fullest extent.