
098: Approaching Your Priest (Hebrews Series #09: Heb. 4:14-16)

God commands His children to come boldly to His throne where they can obtain mercy and grace. We approach Him through our High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father. Pastor Hollandsworth describes how New Testament era believers can fulfill their calling as holy priests by finding cleansing and enablement from their High Priest in the heavens.

067: Get Off Your High Horse (Romans Series #27: Rom. 12:3-8)

When children of God are independent-spirited and self-focused, the church of Jesus Christ suffers from division and disunity. Paul urges the believers to think and act humbly, putting others before self and exercising spiritual gifts as members of the body of Christ. Pastor Hollandsworth describes the spiritual gifts and the glorious benefits when they are used properly.

064: Israel’s 2,000-Year Time-Out (Romans Series #24: Rom. 11:1-15)

Because Israel rejected Christ’s offer of kingdom inheritance and put Messiah to death, the nation has been set aside for a period of 2,000 years. In the present age the Holy Spirit is saving Gentiles and calling out sons to glory – faithful saints who will be chosen to rule with Christ in His Messianic kingdom. Pastor Hollandsworth emphasizes how Israel’s failure means “riches for the Gentiles” and “the reconciling of the world,” but her restoration will signal “life from the dead” for the entire world. These are glorious truths!

061: Vessels of Mercy Prepared for Glory (Romans Series #22: Rom. 9:14-33)

Pharaoh, who hardened his heart toward God and Israel, was a vessel of wrath prepared for destruction (ruin). In contrast, Moses and Israel were vessels of mercy. But now the tables are turned. Pastor Hollandsworth talks about how Israel is presently a vessel of wrath prepared for destruction, due to her unbelief, as God is showing mercy to the Gentiles, who were “prepared beforehand for glory.” However, national Israel will one day repent and will be appointed to rule over the nations. These truths should prompt us to confess Christ.

013: Preparing to Give a Good Account

Once believers understand the importance of giving a good account at the Judgment Seat, they must learn HOW to prepare to meet Jesus. Pastor Hollandsworth explains the process of spiritual growth found in Romans 5 and emphasizes the agents of growth and how to apply them so believers can mature and get prepared for their coming appointment.