Eternal Life

051: Repentance and the Book of Life

Repentance is not required for salvation (regeneration). Why, then, does God command all men everywhere to repent? Whose names will be found in the Book of Life? Pastor Hollandsworth describes what happens at the Great White Throne Judgment for those who believe God and live righteously but do not believe on Jesus for eternal life by faith alone.

045: Eternal Is Not Forever

The Bible words “eternal,” “everlasting,” and “forever” are mistranslations of the Greek adjective “aionios,” which actually means “age-lasting” or “for the age.” Pastor Hollandsworth explains how this error crept into English Bible translations and explores the ramifications with respect to Heaven and Hell.

044: The Electrifying Third Rail

Universal Reconciliation is the third rail that electrifies the doctrine of salvation. Pastor Hollandsworth presents twenty Scripture verses in support of this view and emphasizes that the will of God to save all men will indeed be fulfilled by the end of the ages.

031: The Heart of the Matter

Is the Sermon on the Mount evangelistic, or related to matters of sanctification? Is it applicable to church-age believers, or was it merely for the first century Jews? Pastor Hollandsworth discusses the errors of interpretation in this great teaching of Jesus and explains the purpose of the Sermon. He also describes the Beatitudes and the promises of reward.

026: A Deep Subject

Why does Jesus travel to culturally-forbidden Samaria to meet a woman at a well? Why does He offer her “a fountain of water, springing up to everlasting life,” and what does that mean? What do the disciples learn from the encounter? Pastor Hollandsworth answers these questions, discloses the new revelation that Jesus shares with the woman, and clarifies the meaning of worshiping God in spirit and truth.