Month: February 2025
100: Moving On to Maturity (Hebrews Series #11: Heb. 5:11-6:3)
When Christians are too lazy to learn God’s Word and grow deeper spiritually, they become spiritual babies, satisfied with milk rather than meat. Pastor Hollandsworth talks about the vital importance of learning about kingdom inheritance, so we can be prepared to give a good account to Jesus at the Judgment Seat.
099: From One Priesthood to Another (Hebrews Series #10: Heb. 5:1-10)
Jesus presently serves as High Priest in Heaven after the order of Aaron, but in the future, when He returns the second time, He will function as a High Priest-King on Earth after the order of Melchizedek. Pastor Hollandsworth uses Old Testament types to demonstrate the difference between these two orders and how each role impacts us.
098: Approaching Your Priest (Hebrews Series #09: Heb. 4:14-16)
God commands His children to come boldly to His throne where they can obtain mercy and grace. We approach Him through our High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is seated at the right hand of the Father. Pastor Hollandsworth describes how New Testament era believers can fulfill their calling as holy priests by finding cleansing and enablement from their High Priest in the heavens.