Month: December 2024

093: Why Shepherds? (Christmas Message)

The angel announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds and gave them a sign where they could find the newborn Messiah. Why was such an important announcement given to the shepherds? Pastor Hollandsworth gives the critical backstory to the shepherds from the Old Testament, bringing greater meaning to the account in Luke 2.

092: The Coming of Messiah (Christmas Message)

Handel’s Messiah is a beautiful oratorio about the birth, life, and death of Christ, based entirely on Scripture, that is often performed during the Christmas season. Pastor Hollandsworth reviews the first eighteen movements, with a view to helping listeners understand this musical masterpiece more fully and thereby glory in the birth of Christ.

091: Hold Fast Your Hope (Hebrews Series #05: Heb. 3:1-6)

Many Christians have no interest in Christ’s coming kingdom. They rarely think or talk about it, for it is not their focus, and they certainly are not preparing to give an account to Jesus for their life. Pastor Hollandsworth explains that only those believers who hold onto a confident expectation of reward, living accordingly, will be rewarded by Jesus and included in His “house.”

090: Leading Many Sons to Glory (Hebrews Series #04: Heb. 2:9-18)

One day Jesus will ascend to the throne as King over Earth. Just as the first Adam needed a bride and completer for ruling, so the second Adam is seeking a bride — otherwise known as the sons to glory — to complete Himself. They are the mature, firstborn inheritors, who will be glorified to reign with Jesus as co-regents. Only those believers who are enduring suffering in a spirit of Christlikeness will be chosen.