Month: September 2024

082: Crowned With Mercy (Greatness of God Series #09: His Mercy)

Apart from God’s mercy, mankind would be doomed. Mercy stays His hand of judgment, giving those who are sinning opportunities to repent. Pastor Hollandsworth discusses the three recipients of God’s mercy and the special, millennial reward that He promises those who fear Him.

081: No Respecter of Persons (Greatness of God Series #08: His Justice)

Our great God is always just, bringing judgment upon sinners, including sinning believers. Pastor Hollandsworth demonstrates that God’s anger and wrath are balanced by His love and goodness and shows how that wonderful truth should motivate us to live uprightly, for we will soon give an account to Him for our lives.

080: What Is Truth? (Greatness of God Series #07: His Truth)

Isaiah said of Judah that truth had fallen in the streets. Are conditions any different today? Pastor Hollandsworth gives the philosophical history of the death of truth in modern times, claiming that Christians are largely to blame. Nevertheless, in spite of what is happening in the culture, God is truth, and His Word is truth.

079: My Eyes Have Seen the King (Greatness of God Series #06: His Holiness)

Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up on His throne. The holiness of God gazed into his innermost core and caused him to fall apart. Then Isaiah admitted his sinfulness, and God cleansed him. Pastor Hollandsworth points out the urgency of seeing God’s holiness if we are to be used by Him to the fullest extent.