Month: November 2021
019: Tantalizing Offers
The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. What was the purpose of this? Pastor Hollandsworth shares six truths conveyed by Christ’s temptation, explains the nature of each temptation, and emphasizes the believer’s escape from temptation by following Christ’s example.
018: The Man Who Needs No Baptism
Why did Jesus submit to John’s baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, seeing that He never sinned? Pastor Hollandsworth answers this challenging question, explains why the Spirit descended upon Jesus at His baptism, and defines the three levels of Holy Spirit power.
017: Shucking the Corn
John the Baptist preached a “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” Pastor Hollandsworth dissects this message and explains why it is not to be equated with the gospel of grace by faith alone for salvation (i.e., regeneration). He also explains the terms “kingdom of heaven” and the “baptism in fire” (which is not hell) that will befall those who reject this message.
016: Otherworldly Ambitions
The apostle Paul, undoubtedly one of the greatest Christians of the church age, nevertheless, saw a personal need to “press toward the goal for the prize” (reward), desiring to “attain to the out-resurrection.” Pastor Hollandsworth uncovers the meaning of this often-ignored term and reveals the apostle’s driving passion to “gain Christ and be found in Him,” counting everything else as loss. This same passion should consume every child of God.